Today, I'm talking about fringe benefits. What are fringe benefits? Fringe benefits are supplemental compensations for employees. For example, you might give an employee a company car, health insurance, accident insurance, or life insurance. All of these are fringe benefits. In other words, in exchange for their time, your payment is extra benefits in addition to the original salaries. But, only these fringe benefits are shown to increase employee loyalty to the business. Well, there have been some changes made in 2018 when it comes to the fringe benefits you provide to your employees. Let's talk about qualified bicycle reimbursement. In the past, if an employer rode their bike to work, you could choose to reimburse them up to $20 per month for bicycle commuting expenses. These reimbursements were excludable from wages. However, under the new law, you have to include that as part of their wage, which means it is taxable and subject to federal tax FICA taxes. So, in addition to what you actually pay them, you also have to pay your portion of payroll taxes, which increases what you actually have to pay out to them. Moving expenses are another type of fringe benefit. Sometimes, you might hire somebody who stays in a different city or state, and you need them to move over to work for you. In this case, you can reimburse them for their moving expenses. In the past, this reimbursement was excludable from wages. However, that's not the case anymore. When you reimburse employees, you now have to include it as part of their wages, which means you also have to pay payroll taxes on top of what you pay them. Next, let's talk about employee achievement awards. At the end of the year or whenever you have an employee party, you might give an employee...
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Fringe benefits examples Form: What You Should Know
Sep 30, 2025 — Taxes are deductible; deductible employee pay; deductible employee pension contribution for current and former employees. What Should I Do With Fringe Benefit Tax Information Sep 30, 2025 — How is the fringe benefit used? Example: Employee receives an extra meal or an extra vacation. Example: Employees receive benefits while working Sep 30, 2025 — Tax treatment. Employee pays taxes; employer pays taxes and/or employer pays tax credits. Example: Fringe benefit is treated differently at different times of the year. Example: Employees can take tax credits; but not the full amount of tax. Example: Tax credits are not taxable. Example: Workers are eligible for tax credits before taxes are taken. Example: Tax credits aren't used for health insurance. Example: When health insurance is provided, other tax exemptions and deductions reduce taxes. Example: Employment costs and tax rates vary, so consider that when determining how much fringe benefit is used. Example: The IRS has guidelines to help determine how much you should pay for fringe benefits. Example: It is important to find out what rules apply to your company, so you can have an accurate estimate and the facts will be the same for everyone. Sep 30, 2025 — Taxation. There are no deductions except for Medicare Part B, For more information: Publication 1440, Employer's Tax Guide to Fringe Benefits & Taxes on fringe benefits — IRS For more information: Publication 1310, Health Benefits for Employees: Tax Guide [PDF] How Does the Fringe Benefit Tax System Work? Sep 30, 2025 — What are the tax benefits? The tax benefits for a fringe benefit are based on three categories. The Fringe benefit is not subject to income tax on the portion that is taxable (the part paid or credited); however, it is taxable if subject to a deduction other than those that reduce the amount of tax payable (such as a deduction for fringe benefits provided to an employee). Example: Employee receives a bonus. Example: Employee receives an income-tax benefit from his employer in the form of a contribution to a retirement account. The tax return and benefit is taxable. Example: Employee receives fringe benefit of free tickets for a local professional tours. Example: Employee receives medical care benefits, which are taxed.
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